
This chapter discusses how the theme of social relationships runs through the letter, including divine-human relations, relationships within the church community, and also relationships toward society. It then shifts our attention to the Christ-hymn and in particular Phil 2:6–8, setting this passage in its context and explaining its rhetorical import within the fabric of the Philippian letter. The chapter discusses how the pattern of the Christ-hymn is paradigmatic for Paul’s understanding of social relationships both in terms of church and world in Philippians. It describes the other Pauline epistles (aside from the Pastorals), demonstrating that this Christ-pattern underpins Paul’s understanding of social relationships in those writings as well. The chapter demonstrates that Paul’s understanding of social relationships in all contexts is theologically driven, particularly by his Christology and by the pattern of the cross. Keywords:christ-pattern; church; Jesus; Paul; Pauline Epistles; Philippians; social relationship

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