
Accurate knowledge of the composition of Earth’s major chemical reservoirs is fundamental for constraining all modern geochemical cycles. Basaltic rocks provide a direct way of sampling the composition of Earth’s inaccessible interior. Here, we present the first comprehensive neodymium (Nd) stable isotope analyses for a global compilation of mid-ocean ridge, ocean island, continental intraplate and island arc basalts using a double-spike technique. In these primitive magma compositions magmatic differentiation has no resolvable effect on δ146/144Nd. Mid-ocean ridge basalts possess an extremely homogenous δ146/144Nd with an average composition of δ146/144Nd = −0.025 ± 0.013‰ (±2 s.d.; n = 33). Ocean island and continental intraplate magmas possess more variable compositions (δ146/144Nd = 62 ppm) that are related to the variable incorporation of recycled components in their source regions. Island arc basalts from New Britain (δ146/144Nd = 61 ppm) reflect the complex interplay between source composition, degree of melting and slab-fluid inputs. Variations are uncorrelated with indicators of magmatic differentiation or slab-fluid addition, rather increasing δ146/144Nd with slab depth is attributed to a higher proportion of metasomatized sub-arc mantle in the melting region. A partial melting model for Nd stable isotopes has been constructed using NdO force constants calculated using the Born-Lande approximation. Melting of typical mantle peridotite will induce no resolvable fractionations of Nd stable isotopes (Δ146/144Ndmelt-mantle < 0.003‰ at 1200 °C). The lack of fractionation upon partial melting means primitive magmatic rocks can be used to calculate the average composition of the bulk silicate Earth (BSE), which is δ146/144Nd = −0.024 ± 0.031‰ (±2 s.d.; n = 80). This BSE composition is indistinguishable at the 95 % confidence level from that of chondritic meteorites, the building blocks of Earth. Therefore, sequestration of significant quantities of Nd into the sulfide matte did not occur, this combined with recent experimental evidence for no Sm-Nd fractionation means the sulfide matte cannot be considered a plausible solution for the 142Nd/144Nd offset between the Earth and chondrites. Despite resolvable variations in δ146/144Nd from the canonical value being widespread in terrestrial materials, they are not large enough to generate the difference in radiogenic Nd isotope ratios between the BSE and chondrites.

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