
In honor of Onsager's ninetieth birthday, we like to review some exact results obtained so far in the chiral Potts models and to translate these results into language more transparent to physicists, so that experts in Monte Carlo calculations, high and low temperature expansions, and various other methods, can use them. We shall pay special attention to the interfacial tension $\epsilon_r$ between the $k$ state and the $k-r$ state. By examining the ground states, it is seen that the integrable line ends at a superwetting point, on which the relation $\epsilon_r=r\epsilon_1$ is satisfied, so that it is energetically neutral to have one interface or more. We present also some partial results on the meaning of the integrable line for low temperatures where it lives in the non-wet regime. We make Baxter's exact results more explicit for the symmetric case. By performing a Bethe Ansatz calculation with open boundary conditions we confirm a dilogarithm identity for the low-temperature expansion which may be new. We propose a new model for numerical studies. This model has only two variables and exhibits commensurate and incommensurate phase transitions and wetting transitions near zero temperature. It appears to be not integrable, except at one point, and at each temperature there is a point, where it is almost identical with the integrable chiral Potts model.

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