
The purpose of this study was to validate the Chinese version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (C-MPFI-24) for use in China, taking into account cultural differences, using classical test theory and network analysis. Participants were Chinese university students, middle school students, university teachers, and medical professionals, totaling 3568 valid respondents from an initial pool of 3800. A retest was conducted one month later with 350 university students. The inventory was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression, and network analysis. Results showed that the two higher-order factors of the C-MPFI-24, psychological flexibility and inflexibility, fit well (χ2 = 1726.36, df = 239, CFI = 0.936, RMSEA = 0.067), with a significant negative correlation between them (−0.72). Correlation with related scales confirmed good convergent validity, and network analysis supported the robustness of the model. Linear regression indicated that the subscales of the C-MPFI-24 significantly explained variance in well-being and distress beyond that of the AAQ-II. The inventory demonstrated good reliability, test-retest stability, and measurement invariance across groups and genders, establishing its reliability and applicability for assessing psychological flexibility and inflexibility in a Chinese context. Further research is encouraged to examine its cross-cultural stability and applicability.

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