
Chinese outbound tourism has grown rapidly, reaching 5 million in 1995 and with the potential for significant further growth. This potential was boosted in late 1996 when the Chinese Government relaxed its foreign exchange policy for outbound tourists and out bound travel businesses, thereby overcoming a major constraint to outbound tourism. A Chinese outbound tourist is defined here as a resident of mainland China and travels tem porarily outside mainland China for any pur pose. Drawing upon a survey of constumers and of key informants, this paper outlines the main characteristics of tourists from mainland China and identifies main impediments to continuing market growth. It is concludet that Chinese tourists are drawn initially to the most frequented attrac tions overseas, and particularly to those which offer a marked contrast with what is found in China. The intrinsic attributes of the attrac tions are found to be of secondary importance. It is suggested that destination countries serious about the Chinese market need to liberalise booking procedures as a matter of urgency. Greater promotion by destination countries is needed within China to improve travel industry and consumer awareness.

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