
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the online advocacy resource tool, the Children's Advocacy Project of Philadelphia (Cap4Kids), is effective in helping pediatrics residents and pediatricians learn more about community-based organizations (CBOs). This study used an online survey of Cap4Kids Listserv members and analyzed the responses by subgroups. Three hundred twenty-seven Listserv members responded to this survey. Of these respondents, 41 were pediatricians and 62 were pediatrics residents. Results from this study demonstrated that 60% of pediatrics residents and 85% of pediatricians who were introduced to the Cap4Kids resource reported that they became more or much more knowledgeable about the community-based resources that serve families in need in their communities. Additionally, 61.6% of pediatrics residents and 100% of pediatricians rated the Cap4Kids resource as an excellent or above average teaching tool for learning about CBOs in their community. The Cap4Kids resource is an effective tool for introducing pediatricians and pediatrics residents to CBOs in their community.

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