
The apple green aphid Aphis pomi de Geer. produce high losses in the nursery, as well as in the commercial apple orchards, where the attack on the leaves made them curled, stopping the fruit and shots from developing, as well as the buds differentiation for the next year. The insect sucks sap from the leaves on water sprouts and succulent terminal growth. (I. Mitrea 2005). An efficient control can be done when the treatments are applied before the leaves’ curling. From the 7 insecticides used for controling the apple green aphid (Aphis pomi de Geer.) during 2007 – 2008 at the S.D. Banu Maracine the highest effciency has been recorded for the product Chess 25 WP. Also we can notify that the pyretroids products has ensured a better protection against the apple green aphid comparative with the organophosphorical or carbamates products. All the products used for controling the apple green aphid has presented an efficiency over 92%.

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