
We would hesitate to furnish space for a reference to this hodgepodge of fact and ridiculous fancy, jumbled together into the semblance of serious statement, were not the title sufficiently misleading to attract some unsuspecting reader whom we hope hereby to disillusionize. "Magnesium infiltration" is presented as the unseen, unrecognized "insidious ailment" which "affects the infant in arms as well as the octogenarian, the factory operative and the millionaire," etc. "It secures entrance to every sick-room, to every hospital," etc., etc. A few quotations will suffice to exemplify the sort of pseudoscience perpetrated in the guise of a legitimate treatise, and make further comment unnecessary. "Magnesium infiltration may be defined as an abnormal condition in which the cellular structures are surcharged with magnesium, with coincident depletion of the lime content" (p. 4). "Magnesium infiltration is essentially a disorder of the nervous system. Its development depends on various conditions. Thus, it

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