
The Motzfeldt intrusions in the Gardar Province, southern Greenland, split into syenitic plutonic and hypabyssal rocks, in which the latter include ring dykes and sheet intrusions. Sheet intrusions, considered as the source for rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE), comprise sheets of peralkaline microsyenite (SPM), syenitic pegmatite (SP), and peralkaline microsyenite (PM). SP exhibits extremely high concentrations of REE and HFSE, which are positively correlated with increasing alkalinity from early towards late intrusion, caused by magmatic processes. In contrast, some of the SPM and PM are also significantly enriched in REE and HFSE, caused by post-magmatic fluids. The REE-and HFSE-rich phases in SP consist mainly of zircon and allanite with smaller amounts of pyrochlore in pseudomorph from the inferred eudialyte, whereas some of the PM and SPM consist of pyrochlore, REE-carbonate, and zircon in the matrix. The zircon grains in the Motzfeldt So Formation (MSF) syenite occur in interstitial spaces, exhibiting an association with magnetite and a bipyramidal form in texture. They are characterized by a highly fractured and embayed rim. Zircons from PM and SP are clearly enriched in Fe, Al, Ca, Na, Y, P, Hf, Y, P, Nb, Ta, and REE, and are depleted in Zr and Si in comparison with magmatic zircon. They also show a clear trend of higher LREE/HREE and Eu/Eu* ratios, and lower Ce/Ce* ratios, which define them as typical hydrothermal zircons. In contrast, zircons from the MSF syenite show a relatively lower LREE/HREE ratio and Eu and Ce anomalies of a similar magnitude compared with those from SP and PM. The occurrence and mineral composition of the zircon suggest that post-magmatic fluids have played an important role in the remobilization of REE and HFSE as well as the primary concentration of REE and HFSE, caused by magmatic processes.

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