
Abstract THE preaching of Buddhism is the main force behind the earliest Chinese bilingual dictionaries. Buddhist culture is a special part of Chinese culture, and Buddhism has exercised extensive and profound influence upon China and its neighbouring countries. Many Buddhist terms, such as 世 (fiorld), 实 际(reality), 平等(equality), 相对(relativity), and 绝对(absoluteness) have been in daily circulation in Chinese life, and many Sanskrit fiords and expressions, such as 魔(devil), 觉悟 (consciousness), 境界(vision), 大千世界(Great Chiliocosm, the boundless universe), 本来面目 (true nature), and 芸芸众生 (all living things) have come down to the present day through Buddhist glossaries and dictionaries, which in turn help to transmit Buddhist culture and forge exchanges and communication ties between nations.

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