
This paper is devoted to a consideration of the following problem: An incompressible fluid sphere, in which the density and the viscosity are functions of the distance r from the centre only, is subject to a radial acceleration -γr, where γ is a function of r: to determine the manner of initial development of an infinitesimal disturbance. By analysing the disturbance in spherical harmonics, the mathematical problem is reduced to one in characteristic values in a fourth-order differential equation and a variational principle characterizing the solution is enunciated. The particular case of a sphere of radius R and density p 1 embedded in a medium of a different density p 2 (but of the same kinematic viscosity v) is considered in some detail; and it is shown that the character of the equilibrium depends on the sign of γR(p 2 -p 1 ) and the magnitude of = γ R R 4 /v 2 . If γ R (p 2 -p 1 ) > 0, the situation is unstable and the mode of maximum instability is l = 1 for all R (p 2 -p 1 ) > 0 the results of both an exact calculation and an approximate calculation (based on the variational principle) are given and contrasted. In the case γ R (p 2 -p 1 ) < 0 when the situation is stable, the manner of decay of the disturbance is briefly discussed in terms of an approximate theory only.

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