
For formerly excluded and marginalised people at the grassroots level of politics, the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act has opened up previously unimaginable doors of opportunity. Because of the 73rd Amendment, scheduled castes have gained representation in panchayats; nonetheless, they were unable to participate in decision-making, which is reserved for upper and middle castes. The numerical or percentage representation of dalits at the grassroots level is the most frequently used criterion for assessing their political participation in India. This does not foster proper comprehension since representation, in and of itself, does not provide evidence of participation in a meaningful way. It is pointless for them to participate at the panchayat level unless the institutions in which they participate accept them openly and give them the authority to exercise influence over the outcome of the decision, thereby promoting their integration into mainstream society. Against this backdrop, the primary objective of this research is to identify the impact of political participation on the processes of changing the trajectories of social interaction among dalits at the grassroots level.

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