
The last 20 years has seen a substantial increase in the number of wheelchair users: in 1973, Fenwick estimated that 137 000 wheelchairs were on loan in England and Wales; in 1990, Kettle and Rowley estimated that 500 000 chairs were on ioan from the Disablement Services Authority. In a survey of requests for new wheelchairs over two separate one-month periods, it was found that 310 requests resulted in the supply of 302 wheelchairs. Females received 66.6% of the chairs. The ages of the recipients ranged from three to 98 years old (average 71). Patients aged 60 and over received 79.8% of all chairs supplied. Attendant-propelled chairs accounted for 75.2% of chairs supplied, and 19.2% were self-propelled. The leading diagnostic groups for provision were: arthritis (21.5%); cerebrovascular disease (19.2%); chronic obstructive airways disease/asthma (16.5%); and ischaemic heart disease/congestive cardiac failure (13.6%) When compared with the earlier two national surveys there have been changes in the age of wheelchair users, the diagnoses necessitating the use of a wheelchair, and the type of wheelchair used. These changes are inter-related and are likely to be driven by an increasingly elderly population.

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