
International trends associated with the crisis of the world order, the strengthening of the positions of non-Western players, the uncertain global cooperation, as well as the COVID-19-related health crisis entail a change in the role, place, and prominence of globalization. While the processes of globalization face many challenges, more pragmatic and realistic assessments of the phenomenon have taken place. Globalization did not come to an end and the logic of global economic, social, technological, and informational advances even promise a new phase of globalization. However, the changing mode of globalization created variable domestic responses to global forces that became unpredictable and unstable. Globalization processes develop at different rates, with different outcomes in different countries of the world. The crisis of the global liberal world order that has applied many brakes on various engines of globalization forces us to rethink the role and position of Russia, one of the major non-Western players in the world. Russia’s response to globalization takes the form of a controversial adjustment to the rapidly changing external environment. Russia is developing its own vision of globalization and international politics, cultivating a pragmatic strategy based on selective and cautious receptiveness in pursuit of national interests.

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