
The objectives of this study is to analyze the level of knowledge, perceptions and behaviour of school adolescents on HIV/AIDS before and after the application of the HIV AIDS intervention module. This study involved 600 students aged 15, 16 and 17 years old in Penang, through three sessions involving pre-test, intervention and post-test. The results showed that there was a positive changes in the level of knowledge, perceptions and behaviours of the respondents after the intervention process was carried out using the modules. The hypothesis test for knowledge has shown that there is a change in the level of knowledge of the respondents after receiving information on HIV/AIDS (t = -46.561, sig. <0.05 and post knowledge’s mean was 13.813 is higher than pre knowledge’s mean, 8.715). In terms of behaviour, there was also a change in the negative behaviour of the respondents after information sharing interventions on HIV/AIDS (t = -8.716 and sig. <0.05 and post behavioural’s mean was 4.067, higher than the pre behavioural mean).

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