
The article seeks to demonstrate the changes in the conception of relations between science and politics in the 20 th century German tradition of social philosophy. This tradition encompasses Max Weber, Karl Mannheim, Frankfurt School and Jürgen Habermas. The analysis of their works revealed that Weber’s neutral attitude towards the political role of science had experienced couple of transformations. First, Weber’s idea of science as a political instrument was radicalized in Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge. In the latter science as an institution is conceived much more positively because it can replace politics by controllable administration. Second, Frankfurt School denies the mannheimian optimism stressing the negative consequences of that substitution: scientific rationalism invades social and political life at the same time ignoring qualitative aspects that are so important in political field. And, finally, trying to breakthrough the one-sided negativism of elder colleagues in Frankfurt School, Habermas restores weberian attitude towards instrumental character of science. In order to elude the dominance of science two steps are of crucial importance: repoliticization of public sphere and removing restrictions on communication.


  • The article seeks to demonstrate the changes in the conception of relations

  • The analysis of their works revealed that Weber's neutral attitude towards the political role

  • Weber's idea of science as a political instrument was radicalized in Mannheim's sociology of knowledge

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Aldis Gedutis

Straipsnyje siekiama parodyti mokslo ir politikos santykio sampratos pokyèius XX a. vokiðkoje socialinës filosofijos tradicijoje, kuriai priskiriame Maxà Weberá, Karlà Mannheimà, Frankfurto mokyklà bei Jürgenà Habermasà. Net jei mokslinës teorijos ar jø retorika bei terminija naudojamos tik kaip priedanga propagandos sumetimais, vis tiek tai rodo, kad mokslas yra laikomas autoritetu, kurio dëka ámanoma sustiprinti savo pozicijas ir pan. Kitas pozityvus mokslo bei politikos ‘sàjungos’ padarinys, anot Mannheimo, yra toks: politiniai ir socialiniai mokslai pradëjo daryti átakà tikrovei ir ðitaip ágavo pagrindà savo problemø formulavimui, o tai uþtikrino nuolatiná ryðá tarp jø ir tos tikrovës srities, kurioje jie turëjo funkcionuoti, t.y. sociumo Adamo Smitho ir Marxo teorijos buvo tobulinamos ir plëtojamos tuomet, kai jø dëka buvo mëginama interpretuoti bei analizuoti kolektyviai patiriamus ávykius (Mannheim 1936: 37). Ið paskutinës Mannheimo iðtraukos galima padaryti iðvadà, kad ryðys tarp politikos ir mokslo, bûdamas dviðalis, yra naudingas abiems pusëms: viena vertus, mokslas daro átakà sociumui savo teorijø dëka, ir, kita vertus, mokslinës teorijos plëtojasi tuo pat metu, kai mëgina interpretuoti socialinæ tikrovæ pasitelkdamos savo priemones. Net ir parodþius Mannheimo intelektualø vaidmens sampratos trûkumus, galbût já bûtø ámanoma reabilituoti, nurodþius, jog Weberis yra veikiau deskriptyvistas (jis aptaria tai, kas yra), o Mannheimas normatyvistas (orientuotas á tai, kas turëtø bûti)

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