
The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8 Ms, Chandra program, that covers the central contiguous ~0.92 deg^2 of the COSMOS field. C-COSMOS is the result of a complex tiling, with every position being observed in up to six overlapping pointings (four overlapping pointings in most of the central ~0.45 deg^2 area with the best exposure, and two overlapping pointings in most of the surrounding area, covering an additional ~0.47 deg^2). Therefore, the full exploitation of the C-COSMOS data requires a dedicated and accurate analysis focused on three main issues: 1) maximizing the sensitivity when the PSF changes strongly among different observations of the same source (from ~1 arcsec up to ~10 arcsec half power radius); 2) resolving close pairs; and 3) obtaining the best source localization and count rate. We present here our treatment of four key analysis items: source detection, localization, photometry, and survey sensitivity. Our final procedure consists of a two step procedure: (1) a wavelet detection algorithm, to find source candidates, (2) a maximum likelihood Point Spread Function fitting algorithm to evaluate the source count rates and the probability that each source candidate is a fluctuation of the background. We discuss the main characteristics of this procedure, that was the result of detailed comparisons between different detection algorithms and photometry tools, calibrated with extensive and dedicated simulations.

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