
The participation of Albania in Bologna process is attended with positive development in the field of securing quality, which is reflected in the composition law and in the system of national quality of security. But, on the other hand the organization and the quality of university education is in the centre of analysis and critical discourses. The goal of this proceeding is evidenting and analyzing the challenges of Albanian universities to the European space as: a) to emphasize and analyze the challenges of Bologna process as the society sees it. b) to show some possible scenarios of education in the Centre and West Europe. c) to clearly state the aim of public and private universities to the European space and the problems they may have. The exertion of this proceeding is connected to some conclusions and recommendation that are considered as an essential part of it. In this great time of globalization, the fragile economy of Albania, except the different reforms that are implemented during these last years, has tried hard to support even the sector of university education, according to the great values of these public utilities to the preparation of youth to run the future of our country. The university education in Albania is faced with the challenges of the new philosophy of life and the challenges of the market economy and also with the ascending demands for a qualified generation that will guarantee sustainable development, supporting the European integration of the Albanian economy and society. In a world that changes too fast, the existence of different problems is acceptable. They are considered as part of the developmental process. So the new century presents challenges and possibilities for university education in Albania.

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