
In this study, the challenges of investigative journalism in Kurdistan region; and developing prospects investigative journalist’s perspective as examples. The study used a “descriptive” method and an “in-depth interview” approach to survey journalists as a direct sample, to take into account the influential variables and reach significant and important conclusions. For this purpose, are divided into three broad themes. The first theme is devoted to the presence and participation of grassroots journalists with many characteristics, such as: gender, qualifications, journalistic age, age of journalistic career, age of employment, place of work and membership of an organization or trade union. Another topic examines the situation of the media in three main issues: the level of development and obstacles to development, and finally the importance of this media model. In this article, the media is analyzed through its impact on the three branches of government (judicial, legislative, executive), along with the role of the judiciary in terms of the prosecutor general, and then details and statistics on the relationship between journalism in the Kurdistan Region Working age and membership in their respective unions and organizations were examined. The final topic is an assessment of the future prospects of investigetive media in Kurdistan, through three different issues that involve how to promote the model and the role of relevant institutions such as journalists unions, academic centers, prosecutors and other NGOs in promoting investigative media and, then identifying a signal such as optimism for the future of the underground media. The results showed that all the investigative journalists are male (%100 ), of whom (%66 .66 ) do not have academic degrees in the field of media. Also, %50 of the respondents believe that the development of grassroots media in the Kurdistan Region is moderate, but a significant percentage (%41 .7) considers it poor, which is due to political and financial obstacles, especially (%24 .53) believe that political obstacles in general. Political instability, outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad) are the main reasons for these obstacles, followed by financial and economic reasons (%17.6). However, the journalistic working environment in the Kurdistan Region is considered to be somewhat favorable for the development of grassroots media, according to journalists (%66 .7) who are not members of organizations and trade unions and the working age of the majority (%50) is between 10 -6 years . . . . The respondents (%38.96) believe that the existence and influence of the media is important because it monitors the spheres of power and plays the role of the fourth power. According to the role of the media in the Kurdistan Region, it is moderate for %50 and never for %41 .7, which can act as an observer over the judiciary, executive, legislative. Results about the role of all relevant institutions (mentioned above) are bad to varying degrees but high, which did not satisfy the journalists of the underground in their work. Furthermore, despite the limited data such as the number of interviewees, there is optimism to see a bright future for invetigative journalism and make a big difference. The recommendations are directed to the authorities, trade unions and relevant institutions to enthusiastically follow this model, such as allocating the necessary budget, facilitating the provision of information and encouraging women to enter this model and investigate the reasons for their absence.

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