
This paper shows the effort to implement the RDE and its challenges from 2013 to 2018. RDE was a program to introduce nuclear power plants by building non-commercial power reactors. The RDE program was also used to prove that Indonesian engineers can design a reactor that will later supply electricity and steam for industry. The technology used is a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. This RDE program is a very strategic intermediate target for energy security and national sovereignty. The development of RDE-based nuclear power plants, in the long run, is expected to have implications for reducing reliance on fossil fuels, more self-sufficiency in energy supply increases national industrial capacity and competitiveness in the global economic order, as well as enhance energy and political diplomacy. Also, RDE can be a reference installation for PeLUIt (Power and Steam Generators for Industry) power plants for small and medium enterprises to meet the demand for electricity and industrial heat in an area’s needs. However, many challenges occurred to implement this program; among them were cost estimation and cost-benefit analysis. Although the program has not been realized, mainly for financial reasons, many positive things have been obtained from these activities.

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