
The world is saturated with information and communication technologies that have changed the way people work and connect to one another. These technologies play a great role in people’s interactions, their pursuit of education, and certain careers in life. For some scholars in the developed world, the era of the digital revolution is over; it is now the post-digital era. However, fora developing country like Nigeria, though digitalization is seen as a necessity, there are still many challenges hindering its progress. Digital technologies are perceived as a double-edged sword with positive and negative impacts. Apart from the digital divide, some of these technologies have been abused or misused. Hence, part of the humanization process for Nigeria with its complex historical-cultural context would entail addressing the challenges surrounding these technologies, aspiring to reduce their capacity to dehumanize. More people need to have access to and be educated on how to better understand and wisely use such technologies. The process of dealing with these challenges must involve the partnership and collaboration of government agencies, academia, and civil societies.

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