
Nigeria since her independence in 1960 has had plethora of political problems, evolving around disharmony in national development and myriad of ethnic disintegration nurtured in acrimony, depravation, marginalization and unhealthy sociopolitical competitions. The implication of this is that Nigeria yearns for attitudinal change towards- a good corporate governance which is a process of national development within a structured federal relations. Generally, corporate governance is an intergovernmental relations, requires the function of the constitution which sets out the relationship existing within the tiers of government, in a way that neither government can dictate the decision of the other. However, corporate governance in this context, allows sufficient room for the respective tiers of government to influence, bargain with and persuade each other constitutionally for effective national development in a pluralistic society.Unfortunately, no serious attention had been given to the issue of corporate governance in intergovernmental relations as a factor of national development. It is against the forgoing that this research attempts to examine the attitudinal change toward corporate governance within public and private sector of the economy, with a particular focus on how it has impacted on national development.

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