
It is hard to pinpoint a particular event or experience that prompted me to get into science in the first place, probably because science has always been an interest and part of my life. I am continually fascinated by the complexity and adaptability of nature and the process of scientific inquiry. It all began with catching bugs, making plant concoctions in my playhouse, and dyeing part of my mom’s new carpet blue with my first chemistry set. Fortunately, I had parents who recognized and fostered this passion from an early age. They allowed a constant stream of insects, reptiles, and amphibians to be caught and observed in my terrarium and each mentored a junior high Science Fair project all the way to the state competition at the University of Illinois. This acceptance and support bolstered my passion for a life of scientific discovery. My career in science officially began during my undergraduate years at Indiana Wesleyan University. As a student in a small liberal arts college with a strong science department, I had opportunities one might not have at a larger state or private school. I had the privilege all 4 years to serve as a laboratory technician and undergraduate student instructor. Initially, this work involved organizing stocks and preparing laboratory supplies. As I progressed in my studies and began my independent research with Dr Burton Webb, my responsibilities …

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