
It is a great honor for me to be invited to give the key note address to thisvery distinguished body. I would like to express my gratitude to theAssociation of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) and in particular to its distinguishedpresident, my friend Mumtaz Ahmad. The convention is of specialsignificance this year since we are honoring the memory of the greatscholar and original thinker, Isma'il al-Faruqi. Twenty years ago he persuadedme to write a small book for his Islamization of knowledge seriescalled Towards Islamic Anthropology published by the InternationalInstitute of Islamic Thought (IIlT) shortly before his tragic death. On hearingof his death in Pakistan, I wrote the following lines which appeared inthe daily national newspaper Dawn and in my book Discovering Islam:Making Sense of Muslim History and SocietyOn the death of Ismail Faruqithere are many waysto kill an Arabyou can shoot them downin public placesor torturethem to insanityin closed roomsand call them terroristsyou can surround their villages-
 making sure their women and childrenare inside- ...

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