
The cetoniine fauna of Ghana (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae, excluding the tribes Valgini and Trichiini) is presented based on results from the Ghana Insect Project (GIP). Data from 1,571 specimens including the species and number found at each of 16 collecting sites, collecting methods, months collected, ‘common’ species and habitat associations are presented. The fauna now consists of 109 species in 51 genera. Previously known distributions and specimen label data are given for 31 species (including Genuchina, a subtribe of Cremastocheilini) recorded from Ghana for the first time.Comparisons with the works of Endrödi (1973, 1976) and Joly (2001) are made and several misidentifications are annotated and corrected. GIP results suggest moist evergreen/semi-deciduous forest and Guinea savanna/semi-deciduous forest are species-rich habitats. Faunal lists for four protected areas (Ankasa Resource Reserve, Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Bia National Park and Mole National Park) sampled by both the GIP and Joly (2001, 2011) are presented.PAST (Hammer et al., 2001) was used to estimate GIP inventory completeness through individual rarefaction. EstimateS (Colwell, 2009) was used to estimate total species richness using several classic nonparametric species richness estimators. Based on a data matrix of species abundances from each of the 16 GIP sites, the Chao 2 estimator stabilizes at ca. 113 taxa, and the jackknife 2 estimator at ca. 130 taxa. Richness estimates based on a broader, incidence-based matrix from all three sources GIP, Endrödi (1973, 1976) and Joly (2001, 2011) were: Chao 2 = 153, jackknife 1 = 157, jackknife 2 = 173. Additional sampling in under-sampled habitats such as wet and moist evergreen forest and Guinea savanna, and during the dry and early wet seasons should yield additional species.

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