
Here, a new satellite-DNA family is isolated and characterized from wedge sole, Dicologoglossa cuneata Moreau, 1881 (Pleuronectiformes), a fish having a small genome. This satellite-DNA family of sequences was isolated by conventional cloning after digestion of genomic DNA with the DraI restriction enzyme. Repeat units are 171 bp in length with a high AT content (63%). Several runs of consecutive adenines and thymines were found, and concomitantly computer analyses revealed that these regions are prone to acquire stable sequence-directed curvature. Especially remarkable is that the DraI sequences are composed almost entirely of the repetition of up to fourteen 9-bp motifs (T/C)GTC(A/C)AAAA similar to other vertebrate centromeric satellite-DNA sequences. In fact, we demonstrate the origin of this satellite through duplication of this motif plus the addition of a stretch of cytosines. The centromeric location and the presence in this satellite-DNA sequence of not only different vertebrate motifs (CENP-B box, pJα) but also others such as the CDEIII motif of Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal a possible role in centromere function. All these characteristics provide important information on the origin, function, and the evolution of the centromeric satellite DNAs in wedge sole.

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