
H.A. Lorentz: Sketches of his Work on Slow Viscous Flow and Some Other Areas in Fluid Mechanics and the Background Against which it Arose H.K. Kuiken. A General Theorem on the Motion of a Fluid with Friction and a Few Results Derived from It H.A. Lorentz. Reinterpreting the Basic Theorem of Flagellar Hydrodynamics J. Lighthill. Helical Distributions of Stokeslets Sir James Lighthill. Computation of Periodic Green's Functions of Stokes Flow C. Pozrikidis. Integral Formulation to Simulate the Viscous Sintering of a Two-Dimensional Lattice of Periodic Unit Cells G.A.L. van de Vorst. Image of a Point Force in a Spherical Container and its Connection to the Lorentz Reflection Formula C. Maul, Sangtae Kim. Axisymmetric non-Newtonian Drops Treated with a Boundary Integral Method E.M. Toose, et al. Ciliary Propulsion, Chaotic Filtration and a Blinking Stokeslet J.R. Blake, S.R. Otto. The Lorentz Reciprocal Theorem for Micropolar Fluids H. Brenner, A. Nadim. Motion of a Solid Sphere in a General Flow Near a Plane Boundary at Zero Reynolds Number R.G. Cox. Lorentz Theorem on the Stokes Equation H. Hasimoto. A Second Kind Integral Equation Formulation for the Low Reynolds Number Interaction Between a Solid Particle and a Viscous Drop H. Power. The Use of Stokeslets to Describe the Arbitrary Translation of a Disk Near a Plane Wall A.M.J. Davis. Asymptotics Beyond All Orders for a Low Reynolds Number Flow J.B. Keller, M.J. Ward. Stokes Flow Due to Infinite Arrays of Stokeslets in Three Dimensions N. Liron. Thermocapillary Mobility of Bubbles and Electrophoretic Motion of Particles in a Fluid B.U. Felderhof.

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