
The stratigraphic succession of the Cenozoic strata developed in the Iwamura basin is as follows; Age Terrace deposits unconformity Hirooka gravel Tazawa sand and gravel I2 Seto group Higashihora formation H2 Mizunami group Toyama formation Agi formation F2∼F3 unconformity and fault Granite and Quartz-porphyry The Mizunami group represents a cycle of sedimentation and its lower part or the Agi formation may be freshwater in origin while the upper or Toyama formation, which consists of five members is marine., The Mizunami group is probably middle Miocene (F2∼F3) in age as inferred from the molluscan fossils., It forms a synclinal structure controlled by the fault of NE-WS trend.,

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