
The cell (plasma) membrane is enriched with numerous receptors, ligands, enzymes, and phospholipids that play important roles in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions governing, for instance, tissue development and repair. We previously showed that plasma membrane nanofragments (PMNFs) act as nucleation sites for bone formation in vivo, and induce in vitro mineralization within 1 day. In this study, we optimized the methods for generating, isolating, and applying PMNFs as a cell-free therapeutic to expedite bone defect repair. The PMNFs were isolated from different mouse cell lines (chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and fibroblasts), pre-conditioned, lyophilized, and subsequently transplanted into 2 mm critical-sized calvarial defects in mice (n = 75). The PMNFs from chondrocytes, following a 3-day pre-incubation, significantly accelerated bone repair within 2 weeks, through a coordinated attraction of macrophages, endothelial cells, and osteoblasts to the healing site. In vitro experiments confirmed that PMNFs enhanced cell adhesion. Comparison of the PMNF efficacy with phosphatidylserine, amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), and living cells confirmed the unique ability of PMNFs to promote accelerated bone repair. Importantly, PMNFs promoted nearly complete integration of the regenerated bone with native tissue after 6 weeks (% non-integrated bone area = 15.02), contrasting with the partial integration (% non-integrated bone area = 56.10; p < 0.01, Student's test) with transplantation of ACP. Vickers microhardness tests demonstrated that the regenerated bone after 6 weeks (30.10 ± 1.75) exhibited hardness similar to native bone (31.07 ± 2.46). In conclusion, this is the first study to demonstrate that cell membrane can be a promising cell-free material with multifaceted biofunctional properties that promote accelerated bone repair. Statement of significance•For the first time, the cell (plasma) membrane is used as material for bone repair.•The plasma membrane from chondrocytes promoted rapid bone repair within 2 weeks, with complete integration of the newly formed bone with the surrounding native tissue.•The plasma membrane from chondrocytes presented multifaceted effects, strongly promoting the attraction of macrophages, endothelial cells and osteoblasts to the healing site.

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