
Dysfunction of OsBADH2 gene in rice is the internal cause of rice to have fragrance. This study applied physicochemical methods to identify the fragrance traits of 7 Guizhou HE ( Oryza sativa ) and 2 control varieties. It was found that RongHe and 2 control varieties were fragrant rice, and the other 6 varieties were all non-fragrant rice. To analyze the internal relationship between fragrant production in Guizhou HE and OsBADH2 gene, the study obtained the CDS sequences of OsBADH2 gene in 9 tested materials, and conducted alignment analysis of these sequences by Megalign software through TA-cloning, sequencing analysis and sequence assembly. The results showed that the OsBADH2 gene CDS of 4 Guizhou HE (BaixiangHe 2, BanpoHe, LipingHe 1 and LipingHe 2) were normal. The CDS differences of RongHe and 2 control varieties were both 8 bp deletion and 3 SNPs in exon 7, and 2 new CDS differences were found among which BaixiangHe 1 was 1 bp deletion and 1 SNP, and BianHe was 2 bp deletion and 2 SNPs. These results might provide the theoretical basis for variety protection and breeding improvement of Guizhou HE ( Oryza sativa ).

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