
1.1. The confusion in the study of dyspareunia results directly from a terminologic discordancy and the widespread apathy of the medical profession toward this problem.2.2. The causes of secondary dyspareunia are grouped according to the major underlying factors, into anatomic, inflammatory, neoplastic, surgical, and miscellaneous groups.3.3. The correct treatment is dependent upon the identification of the underlying cause and the proper evaluation of the so-called intangible factors.4.4. Though pathologic changes or structural defects can be demonstrated in most instances, full cognizance must be taken of the psychic factor.5.5. The importance of prevention therapy is overlooked. Not only are premarital examination and instruction valuable, but a fuller appreciation by the physician of the need of a discriminatory selection of types of treatment is sorely needed.6.6. From the gynecologic point, the most frequent single cause of dyspareunia is the attempt to apply routine surgical methods without individualizing indications.

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