
A catalogue of Quaternary volcanoes of the Greater Caucasus has been compiled based on recent geological, petrological-geochemical and isotope-geochronological data obtained in the last decades. This catalogue provides insight into the evolution of the youngest magmatism in this part of the Alpine-Himalayan fold belt at the modern level of knowledge. The catalogue is given as a set of tabular data on 74 volcanic edifices that have been found and described in literature in varying detail, including their coordinates, absolute height, type of edifice and the predominant type of eruption, age, as well as main petrographic, isotope-geochemical characteristics, and the chemical composition of the products of magmatic activity. For the sake of convenience, the volcanoes of the Kazbek and Elbrus neovolcanic areas representing two main areals of young magmatism at the Greater Caucasus are described separately. In addition, data on the Kazbek area are grouped by traditionally distinguished volcanic centers. Text presents general information on the Quaternary volcanic activity within the Greater Caucasus, its geochronology, spatiotemporal distribution, and petrogenesis of the youngest volcanic rocks.

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