
Catalan nationalism often takes the Catalan language as its core symbol: Catalan is Catalonia's fet diferencial (differentiating trait) which sets it apart from the rest of Spain. Catalan nationalists interpret the language as a key manifestation of the civic nature of Catalan nationalism. Therefore, willingness to learn Catalan is seen by Catalans as the ultimate test for the desire of immigrants to integrate. There is extensive research regarding the relationship between Catalan and the historic immigration from other areas of Spain. However, little research has been done regarding Catalan and the more recent immigration from outside the European Union. The paper is based on research with non-European Union immigrants in Barcelona and explores their attitudes towards Catalan and the role that it played regarding their adaptation to Catalonia. In spite of the efforts made by the Generalitat, Catalan continues to be a means of excluding non-EU immigrants from core aspects of life in Catalonia.

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