
The distribution of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-containing neurons and serotonin (5-HT)-containing nerve fibers in the cat neostriatum was investigated by use of immunohistochemical techniques. Both ChAT- and 5-HT-staining techniques were applied to alternate brain sections, thereby allowing a precise comparison of the distribution pattern of ChAT-immunopositive cells (ChAT cells) and 5-HT-immunopositive fibers (5-HT fibers). In the neostriatum, ChAT cells were strongly stained throughout their cell bodies and proximal (first-order) dendrites. The majority of them were multipolar cells with a soma diameter of 20-50 microm (long axis)x10-30 microm (short axis). In the caudate nucleus, ChAT cells were evenly and diffusely distributed except for the dorsolateral region of its rostral half, in which latter region they were distributed in loosely formed clusters. In the rostral portion of the putamen, the density of ChAT-cell distribution was like that in the medial region of the caudate nucleus. In contrast, this distribution was more dense in the caudomedial region of the putamen, adjacent to the globus pallidus. 5-HT fibers in the neostriatum were dark-stained, of quite fine diameter (<0.6 microm), and they contained small, round varicosities (diameter, usually 0.5-1.0 microm, but some >1.0 microm). Such 5-HT fibers were distributed abundantly throughout the caudate nucleus and putamen. In the rostrocaudal portion of the caudate nucleus, their density was high in its dorsal and ventral components, and low in the middle component. Throughout the putamen, 5-HT fibers were distributed homogeneously in the mediolateral and dorsoventral directions. In the caudal portion of the putamen adjacent to the globus pallidus, the 5-HT fibers had a higher density while maintaining their homogenous distribution pattern. In the two main divisions of the striatum, the so-called 'patch' (acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-poor) and 'matrix' (AChE-rich) compartments, there was a near-even distribution of 5-HT fibers and terminals. The above results suggest that the 5-HT-dominated, raphe-striatal pathway is optimally arranged for modulating the activity of both the intrinsic and the projection neurons of the neostriatum.

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