
Simple SummaryThe Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) shelters around Australia take in hundreds of unwanted adult cats and kittens each year. Widespread desexing (or sterilizing) of cats before they have a chance to become pregnant would reduce numbers of kittens born, and hence, would be expected to reduce numbers of cats entering shelters. Veterinarians have an important role to play in promoting desexing of cats before they reach puberty, and this paper reports on a survey conducted to describe Queensland veterinary practice policies and activities. We ascertained ages that veterinarians recommended for desexing of cats, ages at which desexing actually occurs, what veterinary practices are doing to promote desexing, and what the respondents see as the barriers to desexing before puberty.Cats are prolific breeders, and if most cats were desexed prior to puberty, numbers of unwanted cats and kittens, and hence numbers entering shelters, would be expected to decline. Although traditionally in Australia it has been reported that 90% of veterinary clients’ cats are desexed, there are still hundreds of cats and kittens that end up unwanted and in shelter care annually. In this study, we surveyed Queensland veterinary practices to describe ages that veterinarians are recommending cats should be desexed at, ages at which desexing actually occurs, what veterinary practices are doing to promote desexing of cats, and what veterinarians see as the barriers to desexing of cats before puberty. A questionnaire was developed and sent to all veterinary practices in Queensland. The response rate was 50%. Almost 45% of respondents recommended desexing at the traditional age of 6 months, which is later than puberty in most cats; for more than 56% of practices, the actual average age at which desexing occurred was at least 6 months; and in a substantial proportion of practices, when desexed, high percentages of cats had already had litters. Most practices took steps to encourage their clients to have their cats desexed, and most thought these steps were effective. The results from this study suggest that although veterinarians generally agree that cats should be desexed prior to having their first litter, recommended and actual desexing ages are commonly too late to ensure this is achieved. Better understanding is required about both the likely impact of more veterinary practices recommending and conducting desexing before puberty on numbers of unwanted cats and numbers surrendered to shelters, and the drivers of age at which cats are desexed. This could inform strategies to reduce numbers of unwanted cats.


  • Cat overpopulation occurs where there are more cats in the community than homes to accommodate them [1,2], and it remains a significant concern globally [3,4]

  • Forty five percent of respondents recommend the desexing of cats at the traditional age of 6 months and for more than 56% of practices, on average, cats were not desexed until 6 months or more of age (Table 1)

  • This is consistent with earlier studies, and suggests that while it is apparent from those earlier studies that in Australia, veterinarians are generally more prepared to recommend prepubertal desexing than in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, the proportion of Queensland veterinarians who recommend and undertake prepubertal desexing is not high

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Cat overpopulation occurs where there are more cats in the community than homes to accommodate them [1,2], and it remains a significant concern globally [3,4]. Studies suggest that over 90% of owned cats in Australia are desexed [8,9]. Evidence from the United States suggests that some 20%. Of female cats have litters before they are desexed [10]. One study found that the mean numbers of litters born to female pet cats before being desexed was only a little less than that for the lifetimes of female pet cats that were never desexed [4].

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