
Critics continue to raise doubts about the conclusions of the Term Breech Trial. Subsequent European population studies have also concluded that the breech neonate benefits from elective caesarean section. Smaller population studies demonstrate the success of vaginal delivery in selected populations. Learning objectives: To be aware of criticisms of the Term Breech Trial and other literature that contradicts its findings. To understand the difficulties of selecting suitable women for trial of vaginal breech delivery. To be able to use current evidence when counselling women about their delivery options. Ethical issues: How can the neonatal advantages of caesarean delivery be balanced with maternal morbidity and the potential for complications in future pregnancies? Should vaginal breech delivery still be considered a safe mode of delivery? Please cite this article as: Deans CL, Penn Z. The case for and against vaginal breech delivery. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2008;10:139–144.

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