
The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is an easily accessible, standardized resource of positive and negative long-term animal cancer tests. The CPDB has been published in four earlier papers that include results for approximately 4000 experiments on 1050 chemicals. This paper describes the CPDB: goals, inclusion criteria, fields of information, and published plot format. It also presents an overview of our published papers using the CPDB. The CPDB as published in plot format readily permits comparisons of carcinogenic potency and many other aspects of cancer tests, including for each experiment the species and strain of test animals, the route and duration of compound administration, dose level and other aspects of experimental protocol, histopathology and tumor incidence, TD50 (carcinogenic potency) and its statistical significance, dose response, author's opinion about carcinogenicity, and literature citation. A combined plot of all results from the four separate papers, which is ordered alphabetically by chemical, is available from L. S. Gold, in printed form or on computer tape or diskette. A computer readable (SAS) database is also available. The overview of papers includes descriptions of work on methods of estimating carcinogenic potency, reproducibility of results in near-replicate cancer tests, correlation in potency between species, ranking possible carcinogenic hazards, comparison of positivity and target organ in rats and mice, comparison of mutagens and nonmutagens, proportion of chemicals positive in animal tests, natural compared to synthetic chemicals, and mechanistic issues in interspecies extrapolation.

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