
ABSTRACT Off the coast of Cameroon, Bioko Island was populated by the Bubi at an early stage of the Bantu expansion, although surprisingly they did not use iron until the arrival of the Europeans much later. Unfortunately, despite some research having been undertaken, mostly during the Spanish colonial period, the local archaeological sequence remains poorly known. On the basis of some short excavations carried out on Bioko, this paper evaluates the state of knowledge of the island’s archaeology. There is a pressing need for more research on the island, in contrast to the continent, where archaeological knowledge has made significant progress in recent decades. So far there are no clear archaeological connections between the two. However, some clues suggest that the Bubi’s ancestors may have inhabited the mainland in southwestern Cameroon before emigrating to the islands, perhaps 2000 years ago. In view of the rapid development of infrastructure on Bioko, as well as on the mainland of Equatorial Guinea, a major multidisciplinary research programme centred on archaeology should be launched without further delay.

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