
Measurements of the C/O ratio in brown dwarfs are lacking, in part due to past models adopting solar C/O only. We have expanded the ATMO 2020 atmosphere model grid to include nonsolar metallicities and C/O ratios in the T dwarf regime. We change the C/O ratio by altering either the carbon or oxygen elemental abundances, and we find that nonsolar abundances of these elements can be distinguished based on the shapes of the H and K bands. We compare these new models with medium-resolution (R ≈ 1700), near-infrared (0.8–2.4 μm) Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) spectra of three benchmark late-T dwarfs, GJ 570D, HD 3651B, and Ross 458C. We find solar C/O ratios and best-fitting parameters (T eff, log(g) , Z) broadly consistent with other analyses in the literature based on low-resolution (R ∼ 100) data. The model-data discrepancies in the near-infrared spectra are consistent across all three objects. These discrepancies are alleviated when fitting the Y, J, H, and K bands individually, but the resulting best-fit parameters are inconsistent and disagree with the results from the full spectrum. By examining the model atmosphere properties we find this is due to the interplay of gravity and metallicity on H2–H2 collisionally induced absorption. We therefore conclude that there are no significant issues with the molecular opacity tables used in the models at this spectral resolution. Instead, deficiencies are more likely to lie in the model assumptions regarding the thermal structures. Finally, we find a discrepancy between the GNIRS, SpeX, and other near-infrared spectra in the literature of Ross 458C, indicating potential spectroscopic variability.

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