
Ulysses and Galileo spacecraft have discovered interstellar dust particles entering the solar system. In general, particles trajectories not altered by Lorentz forces or radiation pressure should encounter the sun on open orbits. Under Newtonian forces alone these particles return to the interstellar medium. Dissipative forces, such as Poynting–Robertson (PR) and corpuscular drag and non-dissipative Lorentz forces can modify open orbits to become closed. In particular, it is possible for the orbits of particles that pass close to the sun to become closed due to PR drag. Further, solar irradiation will cause modification of the size of the dust particle by evaporation. The combination of these processes gives rise a class of capture orbits and bound orbits with evaporation. Considering only the case of pure PR drag a minimum impact parameter is derived for initial capture by Poynting–Robertson drag. Orbits in the solar radiation field are computed numerically accounting for evaporation with optical and material properties for ideal interstellar particles modeled. The properties of this kind of particle capture are discussed for the Sun but is applicable to other stars.

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