
AbstractIncreasing access to public transportation (including metro rail) can help alleviate traffic congestion and address climate and environmental priorities. Living close to a metro line may be especially important in terms of providing improved commuting options. However, proximity to metro lines can also be associated with negative externalities, such as noise and crime, that may make living near a station less desirable. One way to assess the net value that residents place on metro rail access is to examine how proximity to metro lines is capitalized into house prices. Using a hedonic spatial difference‐in‐differences model, we analyze the impact of proximity to the stations on the Gold and Expo Lines in Los Angeles, California, on nearby house prices. Our findings suggest that the capitalization effect is heterogeneous. Some residents value living near new metro stations, while others do not. Overall, our results provide evidence that the value residents place on metro rail access varies based on their income levels and other demographics.

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