
0. The Capelli identity [Cal-3; W, p. 39] is one of the most celebrated and useful formulas of classical invariant theory [W; D; CL; Z]. The double commutant theorem [W, p. 91] is likewise a basic result in the general theory of associative algebras. Both play key roles in Weyl's book: The classical groups. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a close connection between the two, in the context of multiplicity-free actions EKJ of groups on vector spaces. The focus of our discussion will be the structure of the differential operators which commute with a multiplicity-free action. Applications include a new derivation of some formulas of Shimura [Shl ] and Rubenthaler and Schiffmann [RS] for b-functions associated to Hermitian symmetric spaces, and a construction of interesting sets of generators for the center of the universal enveloping algebra of gin. We also give a detailed discussion of certain aspects of multiplicity-free representations. Here is an overview of the contents of the paper. In Sect. 1 we review the classical Capelli identities. We observe how their existence is predicted by a double commutant result (1.6) and (1.8), and we show how they can be used to compute b-functions. We remark that Capelli understood that his operators generate the center of the algebra generated by the polarization operators (see [B1, p. 77]). Also Capelli's motivation in introducing his operators was to "explain" a formula of Cayley essentially the computation of a b-function. Capelli's point of view was remarkably modern and structuralist, in certain ways more modern even than that of Weyl. Sections 2 through 9 provide a conceptual context for understanding the Capelli identities as a feature of multiplicity-free actions. They contain a general discussion of the structure of ~ G , the algebra of polynomial coefficient differential operators which commute with a given group G of linear transformations. The results of the discussion are summarized in Theorem 9.1, which says in particular that the polynomial coefficient differential operators commuting with a

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