
The second Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment (CanX) satellite, CanX-2, aims to support Canadian researchers while expanding the capabilities of nanosatellites. Designed and built at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies’ Space Flight Laboratory (UTIAS/SFL), CanX-2 will include experiments in GPS technologies, earth observation, advanced materials, and space communications protocols. In addition to the science payloads, CanX-2 will also fly engineering payloads such as a momentum-bias attitude control system, an experimental S-band communications system, a custom on-board computer, and a miniature propulsion system. With such an ambitious science platform, CanX-2 hopes to demonstrate the use of a nanosatellite as a valuable scientific tool that is cost- and schedule-effective for today's researchers. With a target launch in late 2005 into a highly inclined orbit, the experiments and satellite subsystems described in this paper will help pave the way for future nanosatellite science missions both at UTIAS/SFL and other institutions.

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