
Denver, Colo., Sept. 22, 1902. To the Editor: —The divine healers, Christian scientists et al in the United States and elsewhere should hurry up and go to Russia for instructions in their art of divination, for it is in orthodox Russia that things are carried to their extreme limit of what sane people call absurdity, but which to the minds of the befogged should mean, logical conclusions. There, in mother Russia, once a divine healer is a healer forever; he performs the same functions after his death as when alive, a feat not yet attained by the crack-brained in the United States. The following proclamation, published in the government organ Pravitelstvenni Vyestnik , reads like a document of the middle ages: The memory of the holy Seraphim of the Saratov desert, who was gathered unto his fathers, Jan. 2, 1883, is kept in deep veneration by the orthodox Russian people. To

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