
THE history of which this is the first instalment is not only a co–operative, but also an international work. The fifteen contributors to the present volume represent schools of history or economics in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Jugoslavia, Great Britain, and the United States. The result is a series of essays in which the agrarian development of most European countries is traced by specialists, familiar alike with the original materials and the scattered literature which has arisen around them. The task of assembling these articles under war conditions must have been very difficult, and all English students of economic history should be grateful to the editors whose resolution has made it possible. The gratitude of those who use the volume will be deepened by the knowledge that Prof. Eileen Power, who planned it and prepared much of it for the press, died with tragic suddenness while the work was still in the printers' hands. The Cambridge Economic History of Europe from the Decline of the Roman Empire Edited by Prof. J. H. Clapham Prof. Eileen Power. Vol. 1: The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages. Pp. xvii + 650. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1941.) 30s. net.

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