
The lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in Korea, Joseon Supergroup, are mainly exposed in the Taebaeksan Basin. The Joseon Supergroup is a siliciclastic-carbonate succession that ranges from late Early Cambrian to Middle Ordovician in age. It can be subdivided into the Taebaek, Yeongwol, Yongtan, Pyeongchang, and Mungyeong groups, based on lithologic characteristics and geographic distribution. The stratigraphy of the Taebaek and Yeongwol groups is relatively well established due to prolific occurrence of trilobites and conodonts, whereas the latter three groups are poorly understood. The Taebaek Group comprises in ascending order the Jangsan/Myeonsan, Myobong, Daegi, Sesong, Hwajeol, Dongjeom, Dumugol, Makgol, Jigunsan, and Duwibong formations. The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in the Taebaek Group can be drawn within the lowermost part of the Dongjeom Formation. The Yeongwol Group consists of the Sambangsan, Machari, Wagok, Mungok, and Yeongheung formations in ascending order. The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in the Yeongwol Group has been placed at the base of the Mungok Formation. The trilobite faunal assemblages of the Taebaek and Yeongwol groups display a profound contrast in faunal contents, which resulted in two separate biostratigraphic schemes. A total of 19 biozones are recognized in the Taebaek Group comprises in ascending order theRedlichia, Elrathia, Mapania, Bailiella, Megagraulos, Solenoparia, Olenoides, Stephanocare, Drepanura, Prochuangia, Chuangia, Kaolishania, Dietyites, Eoorthis, Pseudokainella, Asaphellus, Protopliomerops, Kayseraspis, andDolerobasilicus zones. However, most of these biozones have not been well defined. On the other hand, the biostratigraphy of the Yeongwol Group is well established: from oldest to youngest, theMetagraulos sampoensis, Megagraulos semicircularis, Tonkinella, Lejopyge armata, Glyptagnostus stolidotus, G reticulatus, Proceratopyge tenuis, Hancrania brevilimbata, Eugonocare longifrons, Eochuangia hana, Agnostotes orientalis, Pseudoyuepingia asaphoides, Fatocephalus hunjiangensis, Yosimuraspis vulgaris, Kainella euryrachis, Shumaridia pellizzarii, andKayseraspis zones. Little attention has hitherto been paid to the Cambrian-Ordovician chronostratigraphy of the Taebaeksan Basin. The Taebaek area includes the Iyeonnaeian and Homyeongian series for the Cambrian and the Mungogian and Yemisanian series for the Ordovician. Stages for the Cambrian-Ordovician of the Yeongwol area are the Eodungolian, Deokuan, Bundeokchian, Gonggirian, Garamian, and maepoan stages in ascending order. The refined biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy provide an enhanced and more reliable correlation with coeval units elsewhere.

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