
Exploring the core components that define living systems and their operational mechanisms within emerging biological entities is a complex endeavor. In the realm of biological systems literature, the terms matter, energy, information, complexity, and entropy are frequently referenced. However, possessing these concepts alone does not guarantee a comprehensive understanding or the ability to reconstruct the intricate nature of life. This study aims to illuminate the trajectory of these organic attributes, presenting a theoretical framework that delves into the integrated role of these concepts in biology. We assert that Code Biology serves as a pivotal steppingstone for unraveling the mechanisms underlying life. Biological codes (BCs) emerge not only from the interplay of matter and energy but also from Information. Contrary to deriving information from the former elements, we propose that information holds its place as a fundamental physical aspect. Consequently, we propose a continuum perspective called Calculus of Fundamentals involving three fundamentals: Matter, Energy, and Information, to depict the dynamics of BCs. To achieve this, we emphasize the necessity of studying Entropy and Complexity as integral organic descriptors. This perspective also facilitates the introduction of a mathematical theoretical framework that aids in comprehending continuous changes, the driving dynamics of biological fundamentals. We posit that Energy, Matter, and Information constitute the essential building blocks of living systems, and their interactions are governed by Entropy and Complexity analyses, redefined as biological descriptors. This interdisciplinary perspective of Code Biology sheds light on the intricate interplay between the controversial phenomenon of life and advances the idea of constructing a theory rooted in information as an organic fundamental.

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