
Burial ground near Zalomy Znamensky district of the Kirovograd region was discovered in 1985. The place is located in the area between the rivers Irkley and Tsybulnik, belonging to the basin of Tiasmin — in the borderland of the Right-bank forest-steppe and steppe. In 1986, along with burial ground the simultaneous Scythian settlement was discovered. During 1986—1989, burial excavations were conducted by archaeological expedition of then Kirovograd State Pedagogical Institute. There were 98 excavated burials from the necropolis. The investigated Scythian burial belong to the VI—IV century BC. Thus, a burial ground and settlement constitutes the integral archaeological complex.
 Unfortunately, most of the Scythian burials were robbed in antiquity, and therefore — the burial inventory of the necropolis is not numerous.
 Burial No. 82 was carried out in a common ground pit and was not plundered. Among the discovered things of farewell inventory of special interest is a rare set of decorations from corals. Next to them were also found gold amphor-shaped pendants and bronze clasps. Most likely in ancient times, decorations were part of one necklace. In addition, in the burial were found beads, amber and glass beads, miniature molded vessel. The materials of the burial allow one to date his IV century BC. It should be assumed that the person buried here had a special social status among the local population in Scythian times.

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