
To ONE who has read carefully the headnotes to previous articles it will not be shocking to learn that since this article was written the Bureau of Intelligence has been completely demobilized and its functions transferred in part to other divisions of OWI. From many points of view this Bureau is, cr was, one of the most interesting to students of public opinion. An outgrowth to some extent of the progress made in recent years in surveying and analyzing opinion trends, it undertook to bring to policy makers types of data which were virtually unobtainable even fifteen years ago. It is inconceivable that governments in wartime, or at any other time, can function effectively without the kind of intelligence this bureau assembled. A newspaperman by experience and training, Mr. Barth served for many years as a Washington correspondent. In 194I he joined the staff of the Treasury Department, and later the OFF, and during the brief span of its existence was editorial assistant in the Bureau of Intelligence.

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