
We report the results of applying the 2MASS Tully-Fisher (TF) relations to study the galaxy bulk flows. For 1141 all-sky distributed flat RFGC galaxies we construct J, H, K_s TF relations and find that Kron $J_{fe}$ magnitudes show the smallest dispersion on the TF diagram. For the sample of 971 RFGC galaxies with V_{3K} < 18000 km/s we find a dispersion $\sigma_{TF}=0.42^m$ and an amplitude of bulk flow V= 199 +/-61 km/s, directed towards l=301 degr +/-18 degr, b=-2 degr +/-15 degr. Our determination of low-amplitude coherent flow is in good agreement with a set of recent data derived from EFAR, PSCz, SCI/SCII samples. The resultant two- dimensional smoothed peculiar velocity field traces well the large-scale density variations in the galaxy distributions. The regions of large positive peculiar velocities lie in the direction of the Great Attractor and Shapley concentration. A significant negative peculiar velocity is seen in the direction of Bootes and in the direction of the Local void. A small positive peculiar velocity (100 -- 150 km/s) is seen towards the Pisces-Perseus supercluster, as well as the Hercules - Coma - Corona Borealis supercluster regions.

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